Grateful for you stopping by my little online space. It's a joy to welcome you here!


Amira Bayoumi

An aspiring full-stack web developer in the making

A bit about me!

Hello! I've recently dived into the exciting world of coding; programming has always been a lifelong dream of mine. Since my teenage years, I've had a deep curiosity about computers and new technologies.
Over the last three years, I've been deeply involved in the world of fiber optics, new generation 5G networks, and telecommunications. This hands-on experience has ignited my interest in programming and data analysis, pushing me to learn further in this exciting field.

Originally from Egypt, my educational journey took me through a scientific high school in Dubai, followed by earning a bachelor's degree in geophysics back in Egypt. Having lived in four different countries, I've become deeply appreciative of diverse cultures, cuisines, and art forms. I'm particularly drawn to the cultural richness of dance, enjoying its variations across different cultures. When I'm not coding, you'll often find me dancing, cooking, indulging in diverse cuisines, or exploring new forms of art.

Finally, I've found my new home in Belgium, particularly in the diverse and welcoming city of Antwerp. The warmth and diversity of this city resonate deeply with my values and aspirations.

An overview of my coding journey

Witnessing the transformative power of technology as it reshapes our world into a digital hub has motivated me to pursue a career as a full-stack developer. I'm not just chasing personal growth; I want to create user-friendly platforms that help people adapt to the ever-changing digital age.

As I continue on my learning journey, I've gained proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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Additionally, I'm skilled in utilizing Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration.

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Moreover, I have experience with Figma, which I use for designing and prototyping user interfaces.


I've also become acquainted with Agile methodology, enabling me to smoothly navigate sprints and collaborate effectively within the company's collaboration system.


I'm excited to be part of the tech community and meet new people.


Projects Coming Soon!

Stay tuned! I'm learning and building. New projects will be here soon.

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